Monday, May 27, 2013

Equine Institute - Combined Training One Day Event

After Northwest we packed up the ponies and Traveler's son - Timbuktu - and headed to Cle Elum for the One Day event.  Timbuktu did it - he was a little nervous being his first event of the season and the second one in his life - but we managed to complete it and place 7th!  He did well in dressage - we made it through cross-country with only one "scary" fence and stadium with it's one "scary" fence.
Next up my daughter, Luna, and my neice, Dayna, competed in the Intro Dressage test and placed 1st and 2nd!  Way to go girls.  Luna received a 37.5 (eventing score) on her mini, Podo.  The dressage judge had to take a picture of Luna and Podo they were such a cute pair!

Dayna and Marty were terrific in the dressage arena - what a great team.  We have one weekend off and then I take the kids and ponies up to the SASHA show.  Nothing cuter than kids and ponies.

NWEC May Classic - Open Novice

 Started the season out at the Northwest Equestrian Center's May Classic - Open Novice Division.  We had a great time - placed 6th with a ribbon and a prize.  Here we are doing our dressage.
This is our favorite part of dressage - the salute!  And then on to cross-country - we soared over the fences.  By far the best part.

Here we are after stadium.  Double Clear and resting to find out our placing.  Now on the the next.
Traveler's Stadium Round

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Vaulting Clinic!

Spokane Pony Club hosted a Clinic on Vaulting and my kids were so excited to be able to attend.  Luna and Bella absolutely loved it and now Luna wants me to buy her a Gypsy Vanner so she can vault off it! 
Luna standing up.....

Practice Time

 Pony Club

 Great day, great time - ready to try it again.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Day for the Kids

Turned out to be a beautiful day today - Luna wanted to ride Timbuktu so she is now "in charge" of him - handling him, saddling him and getting ready to ride, so he learns to listen to her and not only to me.  They already are having a great time together.  Here they are giving each other a kiss.

Of course Luna feels ready to get out and ride him cross-country, but I told her that she had to be able to prove to me she can ride him in the round pen before I let her out to ride around in the pasture.  Luna rode Timbuktu walk / trot for 2 hours today.  First hour was in the round pen - she can get him to listen to her and walk, trot and halt.  This is great training for him as well - to learn to listen to a smaller rider.  

Bella was not about to be left out - so she rode Podo, our faithful mini and Luna rode Timbuktu.  It was quite a hoot - Bella trotting around the outside of the round pen and Luna trotting around inside.  I didn't want to be left out either, so I saddled Khatmoondhu and we ALL rode together, independently, in the pasture.  This is a dream come true - Luna (7), Bella (5) and myself, riding around on horses together.  I have only waited 7 years for this to happen.
 What a great day!  Here is Bella with our two minis - Podo and Comet.  They will be heading in two weeks to the Little Buck Series Horse Show / Gaming event.
Lucky Me!

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Home on the Range

Call me crazy - but two days after Tulip Springs I repacked the trailer, got up at 4am - again- (at least sans kids) and headed out to do our first endurance race of the season.  This trip was at least only 5 hours, round trip.  I brought Traveler's 5 year old son, Khatmoondhu - he competed in the limited distance competition - 25 miles. 

This was also the first time we went to a ride without a "buddy".  I decided it was time for him to grow up a little bit and he able to think and hold his own without a constant companion.  He did much better than I initially expected - and boy did we have a bunch of "de-sensitizing" happen out on the trail.  At the start of the race he had to cross a rushing irrigation canal - and HA HA - we had never done water before.  Not like that.  I just put him right behind the horse infront and we paddled our way out and across the stream.  Then there were trains - like right next to us, lots of scary rocks, and lots of very scary black angus cows.  We did it, we made it and surprise, surprise we placed in the Top Ten and received overall "A" scores on the vet checks. 

Wanted to stay and see how we did for Best Condition, but I had to turn around and head home to pick up the kids from the babysitter. 

I am anxious to see the final results and keep checking the AERC website, but according to my watch we did it at a 10mph clip.  Pretty good for his first time out.

Tulip Springs - Back in Training

Training season has officially begun - packed up 2 horses, 2 kids and hauled to Tulip Springs at 4am last Wednesday.  Took about 3 hours to get to Kennewick, WA at the cross-country training facility to clinic with Karen O'Neal.  What a great time - Traveler was thrilled to be out in the sunshine and out of the indoor arena and taking jumps at a gallop.  I had a wonderful time - it was fun to be back out.  We compete at our first recognized event over the Mother's Day weekend and so it is good to be back out and in training. 

 After riding my little behind off for 2 hours, I saddled up Traveler's 4 year old son, Timbuktu and returned to the cross-country course to ride in the beginner's group.  He was a very good boy for his first time being out on a large cross-country course with many "scary" jumps and obstacles.  He jumps like his father and has little springs in his hind-end.  My goal is for him to become an child's eventing horse.  Timbuku was not quite sure what to think about the water complex - but once he was in it, he didn't have any problem going in & out and jumping in.  I actually had a hard time getting him out of the water!

 It was great fun - great weather and we were a safe and happy time.  The kids had a blast playing "horses" with the other kids there and climbing around on the jumps.  Timbuktu debuts this spring at the unrecognized Combined Training event in Cle Elum the weekend after Traveler.  Oh boy - here we go!