Saturday, April 13, 2013

Tulip Springs - Back in Training

Training season has officially begun - packed up 2 horses, 2 kids and hauled to Tulip Springs at 4am last Wednesday.  Took about 3 hours to get to Kennewick, WA at the cross-country training facility to clinic with Karen O'Neal.  What a great time - Traveler was thrilled to be out in the sunshine and out of the indoor arena and taking jumps at a gallop.  I had a wonderful time - it was fun to be back out.  We compete at our first recognized event over the Mother's Day weekend and so it is good to be back out and in training. 

 After riding my little behind off for 2 hours, I saddled up Traveler's 4 year old son, Timbuktu and returned to the cross-country course to ride in the beginner's group.  He was a very good boy for his first time being out on a large cross-country course with many "scary" jumps and obstacles.  He jumps like his father and has little springs in his hind-end.  My goal is for him to become an child's eventing horse.  Timbuku was not quite sure what to think about the water complex - but once he was in it, he didn't have any problem going in & out and jumping in.  I actually had a hard time getting him out of the water!

 It was great fun - great weather and we were a safe and happy time.  The kids had a blast playing "horses" with the other kids there and climbing around on the jumps.  Timbuktu debuts this spring at the unrecognized Combined Training event in Cle Elum the weekend after Traveler.  Oh boy - here we go!

1 comment:

  1. He looks Great! Forward & ton's of impulsion! You've got to send me dates!
